Depending on your line of work, many different types of accidents can happen when you are on the job. Electrocution accidents are one of the “Fatal Four” accidents related to deadly job-related accidents, according to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Electric shock is also all too common in workplace accidents. Electricity is hazardous to work with, and you want legal representation if you’ve suffered from an accident.
It’s common to have accidents in the workplace, and the injuries you sustain can vary in severity. Seth Bader is a workers’ compensation lawyer in Atlanta. He has successfully handled numerous electrocution accidents and wants to help you with yours. If you or someone you know is a victim of an electrocution accident at work, contact Atlanta electrocution accident lawyers today. We offer free consultations so that you can take the next steps in your case.
What Do I Do After an Electrocution Accident Occurs?
If you lost a loved one due to electrocution injuries or you suffered electric shock injuries:
- You must first contact the job-site supervisor. You can even tell a coworker, but we recommend telling someone that will document the incident.
- Next, you should gather testimony from witnesses of the incident. You should write down as much information as you can while you’re at the scene of the accident. Some of this information can include names, numbers, and addresses.
- Finally, you should seek medical attention. These accidents can be very traumatic and can affect the rest of your life.
- Do not talk to anyone without the presence or advice of your Atlanta personal injury attorney.
For a free legal consultation with a electrocution accidents lawyer serving Atlanta, call (404) 888-8888
What Is the Time Limit for Filing an Electrocution Accident Claim?
In most states, there is a statute of limitations for filing any workers’ compensation claim. Typically, you have one year from the date of an incident to file your electrocution accident claim. However, there are some cases where the timeline is even shorter. Personal injury cases can be very complex, which is why we recommend that you seek legal representation immediately.
You need to make sure that you file your claim before the deadline because you have injuries and other damages that need compensation. Also, the longer you wait to file, the more unreliable witness testimony becomes. People can forget exactly what happened in an accident that occurred several years ago.
After the electrocution accident, your company will start moving quickly. They will want a statement from you, and they’ll contact their insurance company and attorney. You can’t afford to go without representation into any of these meetings. The insurance company and attorney represent the company, and they don’t care about your needs.
They want to settle this case for as little as possible. Many longtime employees think that their company values their loyalty, but they couldn’t be more wrong. The company only cares about their bottom line.
You Have a Time Limit if You Decide to File a Negligence Lawsuit
Workers’ compensation doesn’t cover all your losses. To recover the entirety of your lost wages, other economic damages, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering, you’ll need to file a personal injury lawsuit. Per O.C.G.A. 9-3-33, the time limit for filing a lawsuit is two years.
If you fail to file within this time, the court will reject your case and you will lose all leverage during your negotiations with the insurance company.
Atlanta Electrocution Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
How Long Do I Have to Report a Workers’ Compensation Claim to My Manager?
With any workplace injury, you must speak to someone about it within 30 days. This can be a casual conversation with your coworker or supervisor. It is then their responsibility to report it to someone higher in charge. This does not have to be a written statement, but a report will need to be filed by your manager.
However, we do recommend that you report it in writing. This will help protect you if your employer claims you waited too long to report your injury or didn’t report it at all.
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What Can I Recover After an Electrical Accident At Work?
Your recoverable damages depend on the type of claim you file. If you file a workers’ compensation claim, your medical bills and part of your lost wages will be covered.
If a third party, such as an electrician working on the same site, caused the accident, you can file an injury claim. You could recover:
- The rest of your lost wages
- Your lost earning capacity
- Any accident-related damages that aren’t covered
- Non-economic damages, like pain and suffering
Click to contact our Atlanta Workers’ Compensation Lawyers today
What Kind of Injuries Occur with an Electrocution Accident?
A human body is a perfect conductor for electricity. This means electricity can easily pass through your body. Some of the primary injuries associated with electrocution and electrical shock are:
- Heart attacks
- Muscle, tissue, and nerve damage
- Thermal burns
- Death
As you can see, this list of injuries is pretty severe. The victims of electrocution typically don’t survive, while it could take you years to recover, or you might not live a normal life ever again after an electric shock.
What Are Some of the Types of Electrocution Accidents?
Most of the common causes of electrical injuries, according to OSHA, are:
- Contact with a buried or overhead power line
- No ground-fault protection
- Ungrounded power supply/broken ground path
- Improper use of flexible or extension cords
- Improper use of electrical equipment
How Common Are Electrocution Accidents in the Workplace?
Electrical accidents are all too common and approximately 150 construction workers die annually from injuries from electrocution. Many more suffer non-fatal injuries due to electric shock. Many of the workers affected by these accidents are roofers, carpenters, laborers, and electricians.
I Know Someone Who Suffered from an Electrocution Accident, Now What?
The first thing that you should do is contact an experienced electrocution accident attorney in Atlanta. There are many personal injury attorneys in Atlanta, but not all of them are equal.
We recommend that you interview several personal injury lawyers before you decide on your representation. Most attorneys will provide a free consultation, but you should always ask before setting up appointments.
Taking notes will help you keep all of your meetings separate so that you can make the best decision for your case. You should find an attorney before you talk to any insurance representatives or other attorneys. Anything you say in a recorded call can be used against you in your case. And it is very easy to say something that can jeopardize your case.
Personal injury claims are very complicated, so you should have an attorney guide you through the process. If your electrocution or electric shock is because of faulty equipment, we can go after the third party that is responsible. So, there can be several parties involved with your electrocution personal injury claims.
I Suffered an Injury from an Electric Shock Incident While I Was Working, Do I Have a Case?
Absolutely. At the very least, you can file for workers’ compensation because you were injured at work. In the state of Georgia, you are protected from the first day that you step foot on your job.
You could also file a personal injury claim if there is another party involved (someone who is not your employer). Like we mentioned before, faulty equipment could involve a third party.
My Manager Is Being Very Helpful, Do I Really Need to Hire an Attorney?
Even if your manager helps you out, they are still representing the company. Workers’ compensation is set up to protect you, but you aren’t familiar with the process. Your manager, company, attorneys, and insurance agents understand the gray areas and how to work within them to give you less than you need.
You don’t have to hire an attorney to get your workers’ compensation, but you’re risking the amount of compensation you could receive. You need to ensure that you have enough money to pay your bills and cover your injuries while you are out of work.
I Don’t Have the Money for an Attorney, and I Don’t Know What to Do.
Many victims of accidents do not have the money for an attorney, which is why most personal injury lawyers do not take an upfront fee. If you don’t receive a settlement they don’t get paid. However, they will take their fee out of your settlement. Be sure to ask your workers’ compensation attorney what their fee agreement is.
My Loved One Died Because of an Electrocution Accident, Do You Handle These Cases?
Yes. Whether you have suffered from severe injuries or your loved one has died, we can assist you in your claim. Every case is different, so we will need to speak with you about your or your loved one’s electrocution accident in our office.
What Can Employers Do To Prevent Electrical Injuries?
There are many steps that Atlanta, Georgia employers in any industry can take to prevent workplace injuries and deaths related to electrocution.
For example, they can:
- Inspect the premises regularly
- Be sure to remove damaged electrical wiring
- Replace old or faulty wiring
- Work with skilled electricians for the work, rather than allowing or requesting that employees who are not trained electricians to take care of this
- Avoid overloading outlets
- Use the appropriate bulbs for light fixtures
- Conduct testing on all electrical equipment before use
Beyond this, employers can discuss electrical safety with employees who are at risk of electrocution from the tools that they use, seek out and identify any electrical hazards, and ensure that proper safety equipment is available and used at all times.
How Can Employees Respond to an Electrical Accident or Injury?
Because electrical accidents and injuries can cause severe and immediate damage, it is important for employees who work with electrical tools and components to know what to do when such an incident occurs, not just for themselves, but for their co-workers, who may be unable to do anything to help themselves once such an incident occurs. Contact our Atlanta electrocution accident lawyer to get the compensation you deserve.
For starters, let’s look at what happens when someone is injured through an electrical accident at work. The person may have serious burn injuries, a heart attack, or damaged internal organs, muscles, nerves, and tissues, when they have a direct encounter with an electrical current.
Thus, the employee who is injured is likely to be in no condition to do anything in response to the injury.
Get Medical Attention Immediately/Get the Injured Person Medical Attention Immediately
If you are the injured employee, and you are not incapacitated, such as in cases of external burns or a shock that incapacitates you only briefly, you need to seek immediate medical treatment. Further, you should be attuned to your body and any indications of internal /damage that might require emergency treatment.
Report the Incident Immediately
Never walk away from an electrical injury without reporting it and alerting others to what has happened. You could end up suffering from a severe medical condition, and you need others to be aware of what has happened.
Anyone who witnessed the electrical accident should report the incident.
Call 911
If you are an employee who witnesses someone who is injured by an electrical hazard, or if you come upon someone who is unconscious, potentially due to an electrical injury, you need to call 911.
DO NOT Touch the Injured Person
It is important to avoid touching the person until the electrical current is broken. You may be tempted to reach out for them, to help them, but doing so could cause injury to yourself, as well, making both of you incapable of seeking help.
Cut Off the Electrical Current
Before touching or attempting to provide first aid to the person, you need to cut off the electrical current. This does not mean that you should just turn off the given machine or the lights, or whatever it is that is causing the issue. Rather, you need to unplug the machine or remove a fuse, as the case may be.
Push the Person Away from the Current With Something NOT Containing Metal
If this is not an option, you can attempt to push the person away from the current with an object that will not conduct electricity to your body. Again, do not touch the person with any part of your own body, and do not use an object that will conduct electricity.
Some examples of objects that you could use to push the person away from the electrical current include objects made of rubber or wood, though it is important that the objects not be wet, because water does conduct electricity.
You may have a dry wooden broom or chair that you could use, though anything with metal should not be used. Many chairs, brooms, etc. may have metal parts, so be aware of this before attempting to help with an unsafe object.
Do Not Move the Person If They Fall
Once the electrical current is broken, the person may fall. Do not move them unless they are still at risk of further injury, such as a potential fire, explosion, or nearby live wires.
Do Not Apply Ice or Ointment to Burns, Wait for Paramedics to Arrive
You don’t want to put ice, ointments, or any kind of bandaging on the burns until the emergency medical responders arrive. However, if the person has only minor burns, running them under cool water can help, and any jewelry should be removed immediately.
Call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers Today
We want to represent you in your electrocution work injury case. We know how to handle insurance companies and get you the compensation that you deserve. It would be best if you focused on getting better, instead of worrying about your settlement. Contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today for your free consultation.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form