You could get workers’ compensation if you were injured while working from home. Such an event could significantly impact your ability to continue earning a living. When this happens, you may be exploring your legal options to continue to provide for yourself and your family despite your injury or illness.
Your workers’ compensation lawyer could help you throughout the claims process. We can provide you more information about when you can collect workers’ compensation when injured while working from home.
Who Is Entitled to Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Most employers must provide their employees with workers’ compensation protection benefits for the possibility of on-the-job injuries. This means the workers’ compensation insurance provider will be required to provide you with specific benefits if your injuries occurred within the scope of your employment.
Many people are quick to assume that only full-time employees or individuals who have been employed for a minimum of 90 days are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. However, as long as you are considered an employee of the company, it does not matter how many days you have been employed.
Your protection coverage should begin from the first day of your employment. Even if you work remotely, as long as your injuries occurred due to your employment, you should be entitled to benefits.
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Workers’ Compensation FAQs
Can I Quit My Job While On Workers’ Comp in Atlanta?Can the IRS Take My Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Can I Collect Unemployment After a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Does Surgery Increase a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Atlanta?How to Calculate a Workers’ Comp Settlement in GeorgiaWhat Work Injury Pays the Most in Atlanta?What Do Workers’ Compensation Benefits Consist Of?
If you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you may wonder what these benefits will consist of. That way, you can better prepare for how you will continue to support yourself and your family while you are out of work. With that in mind, here are some of the benefits you could obtain if you are approved for workers’ compensation:
Disability Benefits
Disability benefits are meant to replace a portion of your lost wages. Generally, you can expect to collect approximately 2/3 of your average weekly salary in the form of disability benefits. In most cases, you can continue to collect disability benefits until your injuries heal and you can return to work.
However, depending on the type of injury you were diagnosed with and the details of your case, there may be a maximum number of weeks allowed. You can find out more about how long you can collect benefits and what your disability benefits might consist of when you speak with your lawyer.
Medical Expenses
When you suffer a work-related injury, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider will be required to cover your medical expenses in full. You can expect the insurance company to cover all of your injury-related costs—now and in the future.
Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits
If your injuries are so severe you cannot continue working in the same line of work, you might need to obtain additional job skills or education. The insurance company can be required to provide you with vocational rehabilitation benefits so you can gain the skills you need to obtain employment in another industry.
Death Benefits
Death benefits may be available to the surviving family members of someone who has passed away due to a work injury. Family members could collect approximately 2/3 of the decedent’s average weekly earnings in the form of death benefits. Furthermore, the insurance company may be required to cover the cost of the decedent’s funeral and burial expenses.
Why Might Your Workers’ Compensation Claim be Denied?
Working from home means the insurance company is more likely to deny your claim. Insurance companies don’t like to pay out on claims because it costs them money. You can expect them to look for any opportunity to reduce your benefits or deny your claim altogether.
The insurance company may argue that your injuries could not have been caused within the scope of employment, since you work from home. However, by working with your attorney to provide the insurance company with the evidence needed to support your case, your claim could be approved.
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Retain a Workers Compensation Attorney for Help
As long as you are employed with your company, you should be protected by workers’ compensation benefits, whether you do your job in person or from home. When you suffer a work-related injury at home, you still have the right to benefits.
Get help preparing your claim or handling your appeal when you contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers. Complete our online contact form or call our office when you are ready for your no-cost, risk-free consultation.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form