As a majority of workers throughout the country enjoy the day off on Thanksgiving, it is a good idea to keep in mind that not everyone gets the day off. There are a great many services that people rely on during the holidays without even thinking about it that require some people to sacrifice being home with their families in order to work. So while we are with our families being thankful, let us also be thankful for those who cannot be with their families on the holiday.
If you turn on your lights on Thanksgiving, be thankful that power plant workers gave up time with their families to make sure that electricity was flowing to your home. If you start a fire deep frying a frozen turkey, be thankful that firefighters do not take Thanksgiving day off. If you or your loved ones traveled by air, be thankful that pilots, airline workers, and airport employees work on Thanksgiving day.
If you arrived safely at a family member’s home from traveling the highways, be thankful that the police do not take the day off. If you are in need of emergency medical services on the holiday, be thankful that hospitals do not close. If you ruined dinner and have to go out to a diner, be thankful that many restaurants remain open for you. And if you insist on starting your Christmas shopping on Thanksgiving day (as some do), be thankful that these employees too, do not have the day off.
The Connectedness of Labor Issues
What does any of this have to do with workers’ compensation, you ask? Well, nothing. And everything. The labor movement has achieved a lot since its early days. Workers’ compensation laws are a part of that progress. But they aren’t the whole story. The mere fact of paid time off for some workers and holiday pay for those others who have to work so the rest of us can enjoy the holiday are outgrowths of the same political movement that gave rise to workers’ compensation laws. Although Georgia does not require paid leave or time off for holidays, many employers observe holidays out of respect for the holidays themselves and for their workers.
Labor leaders have long preached solidarity in the name of advancing the cause of all workers. And this Thanksgiving, as attorneys who represent a distinct subset of the workforce in their claims, we want to express our appreciation for the broader labor force.
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Workers’ Compensation FAQs
Can I Quit My Job While On Workers’ Comp in Atlanta?Can the IRS Take My Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Can I Collect Unemployment After a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Does Surgery Increase a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Atlanta?How to Calculate a Workers’ Comp Settlement in GeorgiaWhat Work Injury Pays the Most in Atlanta?Labor-Focused Attorneys in the Atlanta Area Serving You
The attorneys at the Bader Scott Injury Lawyers dedicate their practice to protecting the rights of workers who have been injured on the job. This practical focus is just a part of our broader concern with the economic and social well-being of workers everywhere. We advance labor rights by advocating for injured workers. But we keep informed of all labor-related legal issues, as they all affect our clients.
If you have been injured on the job, call us for a free case evaluation. Our concern for labor issues generally, and our experience and focus in the field of workers’ compensation in particular, makes us the ideal firm to fight for an injured worker who is unfairly being denied compensation.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form