If you suffered internal injuries in an Alpharetta traffic accident caused by another driver, you can likely hold them responsible for your injuries, financial losses, and intangible damages. If we accept your case, an Alpharetta internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will navigate the claims process on your behalf and seek fair compensation for you based on the facts of your case.
To learn the next steps in pursuing compensation in your case, and to discuss your eligibility, call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888. You can speak to a member of our team about your accident, injuries, and expenses, and we can determine how we can help. Your call and initial consultation are free.
Internal Injuries Can Be Life-Threatening
Internal body injuries can occur in almost any type of traffic accident and may be very serious. In some cases, you could bleed to death, or sustain organ damage serious enough to impair your body’s ability to function properly. You may need surgery or other emergency medical treatment to repair the damage.
Some common internal injuries in traffic accidents include:
- Punctured and collapsed lungs
- Liver lacerations
- Ruptured spleen or gallbladder
- Damage to a kidney
- Lacerations or bruising to other internal organs.
Pain is the most prominent sign of internal injuries, although internal bleeding can cause significant bruising. This may not appear immediately, though. If you see a doctor following your accident, he or she will likely look for other signs of internal body injury such as:
- Abdominal tenderness
- Lightheadedness or blacking out
- Fatigue and weakness
- Pale complexion.
If a doctor recognizes any of these signs or other indications of internal injury, such as difficulty breathing with chest pain, she will likely order tests and medical imaging to determine the extent of your injuries. This medical evaluation and any required treatment are recoverable damages if you qualify to hold the at-fault driver responsible for your accident.
To learn more, reach out to a representative at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today by dialing (404) 888-8888. We can help you understand your case and your legal options for pursuing a car accident claim.
For a free legal consultation with a internal body injury lawyer serving Alpharetta, call (404) 888-8888
Our Team Pursues Cases Against Negligent Motorists
If we take on your traffic accident case, an Alpharetta internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will investigate your collision to determine what happened, why, and who was involved. This investigation will allow us to gather any proof of negligence and assign liability to the driver who caused your pain and injuries.
We can present this proof to the insurance company that provides that driver’s auto liability coverage, demand they agree to pay you the fair value of your case, or take the policyholder to court and let the court determine how much the at-fault driver owes. Most people do not want to go to court, and they certainly do not want to have to pay for court and still pay compensation to the victim. For this reason, many insurers are motivated to negotiate a fair settlement with us once they see the evidence we have against their policyholder.
In addition to recovering the losses you suffered as a result of your internal injuries, qualifying family members of victims who passed away as a result of their injuries may also be able to recover damages. This may be possible under Georgia’s wrongful death statute, Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §51-4-2.
Whether we pursue a traffic accident claim or a wrongful death action, we handle these cases based on contingency. At Bader Scott Injury Lawyers, our clients never pay us out of their own pockets. Instead, we get our fee from the settlement we recover. Call (404) 888-8888 today to learn more about how our process works and how we might be able to help with your Alpharetta car accident case.
Alpharetta Internal Body Injury Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Recoverable Damages in an Alpharetta Internal Injuries Accident Case
When we hold a negligent driver accountable for our client’s accident, we are seeking a financial award for that client. We believe that accident victims should not have to pay for the expenses they incurred because of someone else’s careless or reckless behavior. Instead, the negligent party who caused the accident and internal injuries should pay. To this end, the team from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers files an insurance claim with that driver’s insurer and demands damages such as:
- Ambulance transportation from the accident
- Emergency room evaluation
- Treatment and related expenses
- Lost income and benefits
- Diminished ability to work
- Loss of services
- Property damages
- Out-of-pocket costs
- Pain and suffering damages
- Diminished quality of life
- Other intangible losses
- Wrongful death damages, when applicable.
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Statute of Limitations on Filing a Fulton County Civil Suit After a Car Accident
If the insurance company refuses a fair settlement or denies its policyholder is responsible for the accident, we may need to prepare a personal injury lawsuit. Filing a civil suit in a Fulton County court may encourage the insurance company to offer a better settlement agreement, or it could mean preparing for and going to trial.
Per OCGA §9-3-33, we have two years to take legal action following most traffic accidents. This deadline applies to when we need to file our paperwork to initiate the civil suit. If we miss the deadline, it is unlikely we will be allowed to move forward and take the case to court.
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Discuss Your Accident and Injuries with a Team Member Today
An Alpharetta internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can navigate the claims process and pursue a settlement for accident victims who qualify. We can develop your case, prove your injuries and prognosis, and put a fair value on your losses. Let us help you seek the financial recovery you need to cover your medical care and other expenses.
Call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888. Our Fulton County team will evaluate your traffic accident case for free.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form