In many cases, the cause of your disability is not essential, and it doesn’t matter if your disability was due to a car accident or if you’ve had a severe illness.
It’s important to note that the Social Security Administration doesn’t just hand out money. The Social Security Administration is a bureaucratic labyrinth that can be tough to navigate. Truthfully, the Social Security Administration is hoping that you will get so frustrated that you will abandon your claim or settle for a lower amount of benefits than you deserve.
However, the Savannah Social Security Disability Lawyers at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers won’t give up on your claim without a fight. They know that Social Security Disability benefits can make the difference between paying your bills or falling further into debt. With that in mind, we can evaluate your case promptly and come up with a plan of action. We will fight for your legal and financial rights when no one else will.
How do I Build a Social Security Disability Claim?
If you have a mental or physical condition that causes you to be disabled, Social Security disability benefits may be available to you. Keep in mind that the word “disability” is more than just a medical term and is subjective. In addition to the therapeutic implications, the word ‘disability’ has legal, vocational, educational, and other meanings and consequences attached to it.
It’s also important to keep in mind that a significant loss of motion in your shoulder may be disabling for if you work in construction, but not so much if you are a college professor.
What Are Fast Track Conditions?
The Social Security Administration sometimes assumes that certain conditions are disabling regardless of your circumstances, such as vocational, educational, or other reasons. This includes conditions such as:
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Certain cancers in some areas and stages. Fast track cancers may include lung, bladder, breast, and thyroid, and these specific diseases are too aggressive, that immediate Social Security Disability benefits could be the difference between you living or dying.
- Organ Transplants
If you have a fast track condition, the Savannah Social Security Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers may be able to get you merely benefits by submitting your medical evidence. In most other cases, you should be prepared to fight, even if you are entitled to benefits.
What Are the Blue Book Conditions in Savannah?
While most Social Security Disability claims may have a presumptively disabling condition, the list of presumptive conditions in the Social Security Disability Blue Book can and do change. Some conditions that are usually included in the Blue Book include but aren’t limited to:
- Advanced ADHD
- Autism
- Back Injuries
- Cardiovascular disease
- COPD and other breathing illnesses
- Depression and other affective disorders
- Kidney Disease
- Non-fast track cancer
- Sensory loss
Keep in mind that adding to your current diagnosis, you must also prove that your condition causes you to be disabled. To be considered disabled, your health must interfere with your daily life. The Savannah Social Security Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers must present the most robust compelling evidence on your behalf.
Savannah Social Security Disability Lawyers and CFR 404.1526 Conditions?
CFR 404.1526 can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations and contains the medical-equivalency loophole. What this means is that if you have a condition that is medically equivalent to Blue Book conditions, you may be entitled to benefits. The experienced Savannah Social Security Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers generally do not use CFR 404.1526 often because the list of conditions contained in the Blue Book is comprehensive.
As an example, epilepsy is listed in the Blue Book. However, other conditions have the same symptoms as epilepsy, such as nonepileptic events, Febrile seizures, and migraine headaches.
These conditions are not considered to be disabling, so the Savannah Social Security Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers must present enough evidence to overcome that presumption.
What Can I Expect in a Social Security Disability Claim?
It’s essential to keep in mind that the goal is to obtain Social Security Disability benefits, and it’s necessary to stay focused on that goal.
As of January 1, 2020, the maximum Social Security Disability monthly benefit is $2,788. Keep in mind that the actual amount you may receive is based on what kind of condition you have, the extent of your disability, and how many dependents are in your household.
Your Social Security Disability benefits may be temporary or permanent, and temporary benefits usually last about 12 months. The actual length you may receive can vary based on several conditions and the nature and extent of your disability.
In the beginning, your claim for Social Security Disability benefits will be submitted to a Claims Examiner. Many of these Claims Examiners have little experience and routinely deny claims. Additionally, the Claims Examiners may have a large caseload, and they often make mistakes, which may include legal calculations.
If your claim goes to an appeal, the outcome could be completely different. The knowledgeable Savannah Social Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will challenge any evidence, make any necessary legal arguments, and be a strong advocate for you.
Social Security Disability claims are incredibly complex. The Social Security Disability attorneys at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will give you a free consultation and do not charge legal fees upfront for your Social Security Disability case.
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