After a failure to yield accident, you may be healing from serious injuries. You may even be dealing with lost income from time missed at work. If your accident was caused by another driver’s failure to yield, you could be able to pursue compensation.
The team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers has a Marietta failure to yield accident lawyer who can assist you through each step of the process of your case. We want to help you build a case for compensation and seek recovery for the losses caused by another person’s negligence.
Call a team member today at (404) 888-8888 for a free consultation. You will not owe us anything unless we settle your case.
Compensation for Your Injuries Is Possible
When a person is involved in an accident, it is possible that there was nothing that could be done to avoid the collision, or it is even possible that both drivers share the fault. Often, though, someone can be found liable for the crash. That can mean they were engaging in negligent behavior, acting in a way that was dangerous or ignorant of traffic laws.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that almost 30% of fatal crashes that occur at an intersection controlled by a traffic signal are failure-to-yield crashes. Even if the driver stopped for a stop sign or a red light, they still need to yield to the driver who has the right-of-way.
Some behaviors that the other driver could be found liable for include:
- Driving while distracted, which can mean talking with passengers, eating, using a mobile phone, or anything that took their mind off the road or hands off the wheel
- Aggressive driving or road rage
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Disregarding traffic laws
Any one of these behaviors could have caused your accident. In order to build a compelling case, you will need to be able to prove that the other driver was being negligent in one of the ways listed above (or in some other way).
You can work with a Marietta failure to yield accident lawyer from our firm to build a case. We can assist with this by talking with witnesses, examining photos and video from the crash scene, talking with law enforcement, and other tasks.
Many of the expenses you have incurred because of the accident could be included in an insurance claim or lawsuit. With a lawsuit, you may be able to seek compensation beyond what an insurance claim settlement could offer.
Here are some of the expenses you could seek awards for:
- Medical bills for everything related to the treatment of your injuries, from the emergency room to physical therapy
- Lost wages for work you were forced to miss and diminished earning capacity in the case that you are not able to perform your job anymore
- Property damage for both your vehicle and other property that may have been involved in the accident
- Funeral and burial costs if you lost a loved one as a result of the accident
- Loss of consortium or companionship if your family member died in the crash or if your own injuries have permanently altered your relationships
- Pain and suffering and other non-economic damages that do not have a clear dollar value but have impacted your life nonetheless
A lawyer can assist you with figuring out which of your costs can be included in a case. Our team and the lawyer assigned to assist you can also tell you what a fair and appropriate amount of compensation might be as you pursue a claim or lawsuit.
Call a team member from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888 to learn more.
For a free legal consultation with a failure to yield accidents lawyer serving Marietta, call (404) 888-8888
Do Not Miss the Statute of Limitations
Each state places a limit on the amount of time a victim has to file a lawsuit. This is called the statute of limitations. In Georgia, the statute of limitations is two years, according to Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) §9-3-33.
This two-year timeframe also applies to wrongful death cases, which can be filed if a victim dies as a result of injuries from an accident caused by negligence. Family members can file a lawsuit for a wrongful death. Spouses can file a case, but if there is no surviving spouse, children can file. This is stated in O.C.G.A. §51-4-2.
There can sometimes be exceptions to the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases or personal injury cases. You can learn more about how the statute of limitations and other laws would affect your case by speaking with a lawyer. We understand the laws in Georgia that apply to personal injury and wrongful death cases, and we can help you navigate them as well.
Marietta Failure to Yield Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Call for a Free Consultation
If you were involved in a failure to yield accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you have a right to seek compensation. If you suffered because of the actions of another driver, you can seek help. A lawsuit can allow you to pursue a recovery for accident-related costs like doctor appointments, medications, and other treatments for your injuries.
If you are interested in learning more about what a potential lawsuit or insurance claim could do for you, please contact us today. A Marietta failure to yield accident lawyer from our firm may be able to help. You can reach someone from the team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888.
We can offer you a free consultation about your case so you can learn more about your options.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form