Motor vehicles have a number of safety features designed to protect the driver and passengers in the case of an accident. Unfortunately, the safety equipment and improved designs in motor vehicles cannot completely halt the possibility of a significant injury, including injury to the neck and back of the victim.
If you suffered either of these types of injuries in a car accident that was another driver’s fault, consider calling a Valdosta neck and back injury lawyer for help with your case. The team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can fight for your right to seek a settlement for your lost wages, pain and suffering, and even emotional trauma.
For a free case review, contact us at (404) 888-8888 as soon as possible.
Most Common Neck Injuries
Some of the most common neck injuries you may suffer in a car accident can leave you with significant pain and an inability to move freely.
If you are involved in a car accident while wearing a seatbelt, your body will likely remain tight against the seat of the car, held in place with the seat belt. However, your head and neck may whip back and forth from the force of the crash, as these body parts are not held in place with the seat belt.
According to the Mayo Clinic, whiplash involves a significant straining of the soft tissues in the neck area. The victim may have a loss of range of motion in the neck, leaving him or her unable to work until the pain and stiffness alleviates.
Whiplash also can result in headaches, blurred vision, and dizziness.
In a car crash, items inside the car may begin flying around the cab. Items from outside the car could fly into the car through an open or broken window as well. You could end up with a significant cut to the neck because of these flying objects.
Lacerations in the neck also may occur if the car collapses around you and breaks apart, meaning a sharp piece of the frame could strike you in the neck.
Any puncture wound or laceration in the neck is dangerous for victims. The front of the neck has the vocal cords and major blood vessels, and a major wound here could threaten your life.
Let Us Defend Your Rights
When someone else’s negligent behavior leads to a car accident where you suffered a significant injury, you should not have to bear the cost of your emergency medical treatment and ongoing care on your own. You deserve to pursue a settlement that compensates you for these costs, as well as for your pain, suffering, and lost wages.
As a Valdosta neck and back injury lawyer, Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will study the evidence in your case, using these facts to negotiate with the other driver’s insurance company. If the insurer delays or denies your compensation, we will use your doctors’ medical reports to show just how your life is going to be affected well into the future.
Call us at (404) 888-8888 today for a free consultation.
For a free legal consultation with a neck and back injury lawyer serving Valdosta, call (404) 888-8888
Most Common Back Injuries
If you suffered a back injury in a car accident, this can be a frustrating situation to be facing. Back injuries are difficult for doctors to diagnose, meaning you may undergo a large number of tests and scans while also working through regular physical therapy sessions.
Some of the most common back injuries include:
When you strain the muscles and ligaments in your back in a violent car accident, you can be in significant pain. Even if you wore a seat belt in your car crash, your back may twist violently in the seat, leaving you with a strain.
It can be difficult to go to work or even sleep properly when you have a back strain after a car crash.
Spinal Cord Injury
One of the more serious injuries you may suffer in a car accident is a spinal cord injury. If the spinal cord is damaged severely enough, the victim could suffer permanent paralysis.
If you have a spinal cord injury, you may need medical care and equipment for the remainder of your life, leaving you with significant medical bills.
Herniated Discs
A slipped or ruptured disc may not damage the spinal cord, but this type of injury can leave the victim in intense pain and with an inability to move freely, reducing his or her ability to perform tasks related to work.
In Georgia, you have a limited time to take action and file a personal injury claim. According to Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) § 9-3-33, you have two years to do so. By working with a lawyer as soon as possible, you can ensure you meet any necessary deadlines for your case.
Valdosta Neck And Back Injury Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
We Can Fight for Your Settlement
When you have suffered injuries to your back and neck in a car accident that was not your fault, you may hear from the insurance company representing the driver who hit you. The insurer may ask you a lot of questions, trying to determine whether you made an error behind the wheel or whether your injuries are not as severe as they may seem.
If the insurer can create some doubt about your situation in either of these areas, you could see your settlement offer reduced. This is where a Valdosta neck and back injury lawyer can help. If you choose to hire us, we will begin negotiating with the insurance company for you, giving you more time to heal. You will not have to worry about saying the wrong thing to the insurer that could reduce your payout.
Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will use the facts in the case to show the true severity of your injuries, helping you seek a settlement. If you are facing several months or longer of rehabilitation or medical bills, the settlement can help with your costs and your lost wages while you recover.
To review your case for free, call us at (404) 888-8888 today.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form