Even if you do your part to drive safely, you cannot control the actions of others. Unfortunately, sometimes aggressive driving leads to accidents, which can impact your life by causing injury, property loss, and other forms of suffering. If you were the victim in an accident involving an aggressive driver, you could be eligible to seek compensation.
To learn more about what you can do next, contact a Warner Robins aggressive driving accident lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers. A team member can help you determine the best course of action during a free case review.
Call today at (404) 888-8888 for more information.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving encompasses a wide range of behaviors on the road. If you were involved in an accident that was caused by aggressive driving, one of the following factors could have played a role:
- Speeding: Driving above the speed limit is a form of aggressive driving that is dangerous and illegal. If speeding played a role in your accident, you could have been the victim of aggressive driving.
- Unsafe Lane Changes: Sometimes, drivers weave in and out of lanes in an unsafe manner or fail to use turn signals to make others on the road aware of their lane changes. This can cause accidents and result in suffering for victims.
- Tailgating: Driving too close to other vehicles is known as tailgating. Tailgating is dangerous because it limits the amount of time a driver has to react, which can lead to collisions.
- Failure to Stop: Sometimes, drivers do not fully stop at a red light or stop sign, or speed through a yellow light in order to avoid having to come to a full stop. Traffic signs and lights exist for a reason and failing to abide by the law can be understood as aggressive and potentially dangerous.
- Reckless Driving: Drivers may fail to consider the real danger every time they get behind the wheel, and this can lead to careless or reckless driving. Even if you do everything in your power to be safe, other drivers failing to drive safely can put you at risk.
- Brake-Checking: In some unfortunate cases, one driver will attempt to “punish” other drivers by purposefully using their brakes while in front of another vehicle. This is aggressive and dangerous, potentially causing rear-end collisions.
If you experienced any of these behaviors or other forms of aggressive driving while on the road, your safety could have been jeopardized by the actions of a third party. Every case is different, but it may be possible to recover compensation through the legal process. A lawyer can speak with you more about how to proceed with your case.
For a free legal consultation with a aggressive driving accidents lawyer serving Warner Robins, call (404) 888-8888
Vehicle Accidents Statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2 million injuries occur each year because of vehicle accidents, with thousands of tragic casualties. In the state of Georgia, the Department of Public Health (DPH) reported that vehicle accidents are among the leading causes of injury-related deaths and the second-highest cause of hospitalizations. While there are many reasons accidents can occur, it is possible that aggressive driving led to your accident. If you were the victim of aggressive driving, you could be suffering in several different ways.
Warner Robins Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
How You Can Suffer
Car accidents can completely change your life, leaving you with physical injuries and financial stress. If you were involved in a car accident with an aggressive driver, you could be experiencing one or more of the following:
- Bruises, scrapes, burns, internal bleeding, and organ damage
- Traumatic brain injuries, concussions, and other forms of damage to the head and neck
- Joint injuries such as sprains and strains
- Permanent disabilities or loss of range of motion
- Loss of work and earnings potential resulting from injuries
- Emotional trauma
- Property damage or loss
While there are many ways you could be negatively impacted by your accident, there also may be legal options available if your suffering was caused by a third party, such as an aggressive driver. Some victims can even recover compensation by filing a legal claim. If you would like to learn more, contact a Warner Robins aggressive driving accident lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers.
A team member is available to answer your questions. Call (404) 888-8888 today to schedule a free consultation and to learn more.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Recoverable Compensation
If your accident was caused by an aggressive driver and this accident led to your injuries, it may be possible to recover various forms of compensation, including but not limited to:
- Reimbursement for medical expenses and legal fees
- Reimbursement for damage or loss of your personal property or vehicle
- Compensation for emotional suffering
- Much more
Whether you are serious about taking legal action or simply interested in learning more about the process, speaking with a lawyer can help you make an educated decision during this difficult time.
In Georgia, there is a limited window of time to file a personal injury claim. You have two years after an accident to start the process, according to Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.) §9-3-33. A lawyer can help ensure your case meets important deadlines.
Click to contact our Warner Robins Car Accident Lawyers today
Contact Us
Dealing with the aftermath of an accident can be stressful and challenging, but while you strive toward a return to your normal life, it can also be helpful to consider your options. Some victims find that filing a legal claim helps to bring a sense of closure to the trauma of an accident while potentially resulting in compensation that can ease your financial challenges.
To discuss your case with a lawyer during a free consultation, contact a Warner Robins aggressive driving accident lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers. Call us at (404) 888-8888 to learn more information today.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form