If you were injured, experienced property loss, or suffered in any way due to an unsafe lane change accident, you could have grounds to take legal action. Another party could be responsible for your accident and suffering. While every case is different, some victims can recover compensation by filing a claim. To learn more about the next steps available for you during this challenging time, contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers. A Warner Robins unsafe lane changes accident lawyer may be able to assist you in seeking compensation. A team member is standing by to answer your questions during a free, no-obligation case review. Call (404) 888-8888 today for more information.
Car Accidents
Car accidents are a serious problem that can have severe repercussions for those involved. In the United States alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that over 1.3 million people are killed annually due to motor vehicle accidents, making accidents the leading cause of non-natural death around the world. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported that in 2018 alone, over 2.5 million injuries occurred in nearly 7 million accidents in the United States.
It is easy to see how many lives are affected by vehicle accidents, and if you suffered because of a car accident, you are certainly not alone. One of the common causes of vehicle accidents is unsafe lane changes. Understanding the factors that can contribute to these types of accidents may help you determine if another party was at fault and if you have grounds for legal action.
For a free legal consultation with a unsafe lane changes accidents lawyer serving Warner Robins, call (404) 888-8888
Causes of Lane Change Accidents
Sometimes a single driver causes an accident, and in other situations, many parties could be at fault. If you were involved in an accident caused by an unsafe lane change, one of the following could have played a role:
- Distractions: Distractions on the road come in many forms. Sometimes a driver looks away from the road, at a sign or another object. In other cases, technology could play a role, for example, a driver using a cell phone. Distractions are dangerous because they inhibit the ability to pay attention to traffic and merging roadways, and lead to lane change accidents.
- Improperly Maintained Roadways: Unsafe roadway conditions cause some lane change accidents. This might include a pothole that a driver swerves to avoid or a sign that is wrong. If another party failed to maintain the road conditions, their negligence could have contributed to your accident.
- Inexperienced Drivers: Even if a driver carries a valid license, a lack of experience can lead to accidents. Some lane change situations could be new to a driver, potentially leading to a mistake that caused your accident and suffering.
- Fatigue: If a driver is tired, it can impact their cognitive ability to safely operate a vehicle. This is one reason that commercial drivers are required to have a certain amount of rest in-between shifts. If your accident involved driver fatigue, you could have grounds for legal action as another party may be responsible.
- Driving Under the Influence: Another possible cause of your unsafe lane change accident is the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other mind-altering substances. If another driver was under the influence at the time of your accident, they could be held liable. Driving under the influence is both illegal and very dangerous, and you could be suffering because of the poor decisions of another individual.
- Failure to Use Turn Signal: Turn signals are very important resources, allowing nearby vehicles to be alerted when a turn or lane change is about to occur. Sometimes drivers forget to use turn signals, and in other cases, vehicle malfunctions could prevent a signal from engaging. It is also possible that a turn signal is left on after a lane change, which can be confusing to others on the road.
In addition to the previous examples, there are other possible reasons why your accident could have occurred, such as speeding or reckless driving. Regardless of what led to your accident, you could be struggling with several different types of suffering.
Warner Robins Unsafe Lane Changes Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Injuries, Loss, and Suffering
If you were involved in an unsafe lane change accident, you could be affected physically, emotionally, and financially. It is not uncommon for victims to suffer from serious physical injuries that could require ongoing medical treatment. Some victims also experience emotional trauma that may affect your daily life. Property loss, medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses can put you in a financial hole. If you feel overwhelmed, remember that it is possible to recover compensation by filing a legal claim. The legal team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers is available to help you sort out your options as you decide what to do next. Contact a Warner Robins unsafe lane changes accident lawyer for assistance. Speak to a team member today at (404) 888-8888 to learn more.
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Potentially Recoverable Compensation
Recoverable compensation for unsafe lane change accident victims can include reimbursement for legal fees, medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and much more. If you are interested in learning more about the compensation potentially available for you and your loved ones, speaking with a lawyer can help.
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Contact Us Today
A car accident can forever change your life in several negative ways. While you could be suffering and struggling to recover, remember that you may be able to take action to pursue justice. If your accident was caused by another driver who changed lanes in an unsafe or illegal manner, you could even recover compensation. Nothing can turn back the clock and prevent your accident, but compensation can make life easier moving forward.
If you are interested in discussing your situation, the team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers is available to help. There is a statute of limitations for accident claims, so take action while you still have a window of opportunity. Call (404) 888-8888 today to learn more about what you can do to put this traumatic experience behind you. A Warner Robins unsafe lane changes accident lawyer can help determine if you have a valid claim for compensation.
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