If you were involved in a rollover accident in Rome, GA, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and losses. In order to determine how much compensation you should receive, you must first determine who is liable for the accident.
If you would like to know more about the types of compensation available to you and your legal rights after a rollover accident, Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can help.
Types of Rollover Accidents
Rollover accidents are some of the worst types of car crashes we see and read about. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says rollovers have a higher fatality rate than other types of car crashes that occur on our roadways. While rollovers generally fall into one of two categories, tripped or un-tripped, the majority of those that occur are classified as tripped, according to the NHTSA.
A tripped rollover happens when a vehicle leaves the road and slides sideways. The vehicle’s tires either dig into the soil or strike an object, such as a guardrail. In un-tripped rollovers, instead of the vehicle acting as a “tripping mechanism,” it generally rolls over as a result of an accident such as a high-speed collision. Although rollovers happen less frequently than other types of car accidents, they are more likely to result in serious property damages, injuries, and deaths.
For a free legal consultation with a rollover accidents lawyer serving Rome, call (404) 888-8888
Causes of Rollover Accidents
A rollover accident can be caused by a number of different factors. According to the NHTSA, the following are known to contribute to the occurrence of a rollover accident:
Speeding is a factor in a large percentage of fatal rollover crashes, according to the NHTSA. When a driver travels beyond the posted speed limit or drives too fast for roadway/weather conditions, they could potentially lose control of their vehicle or collide with another and rollover. When a driver speeds, they also reduce their chances of being able to stop in time to avoid an accident.
If you were involved in a rollover accident that was caused by a speeding driver, a Rome rollover accident lawyer can determine what legal remedies are available for you to take. Drivers who choose to violate the law by speeding should be held liable for the choices they make.
Although it is illegal for drivers in Georgia to get behind the wheel of their vehicle intoxicated or with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08% or higher, some drivers may still do it. When a motorist drives drunk, they are not only putting their freedom and safety at risk, but they are also putting the lives of all others traveling around them at risk too. Alcohol has been and continues to be a serious concern for drivers and is responsible for claiming the lives of approximately 29 people each day as a result of an alcohol-related crash, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The NHTSA says rural roads that are not divided and do not contain barriers are one place where fatal rollover accidents tend to occur most. Despite the statistics, rollovers can also occur on roadways that are divided and lined with guardrails.
Routine Driving
While you might assume that rollovers are the result of a driver operating their vehicle erratically, data suggests otherwise. According to the NHTSA, more than 90% of the fatal, single-vehicle rollover crashes that transpired happened while “routine driving maneuvers” were being made. This means the motorists were either going straight or making a turn. Essentially, what this tells us is that it is a driver’s behavior, such as being distracted or tired, that plays a large role in whether an accident occurs or not.
Although any type of vehicle is at risk of rolling over when the wrong maneuver is made or the driver is engaging in careless or reckless behavior, the NHTSA says that vehicles that have a higher center of gravity, such as SUVs, pickups, and vans, are at a higher risk of rolling over.
Were you or a loved one involved in a rollover accident in Rome, GA? You can work with a Rome rollover accident lawyer.
If you answered no and would like help with recovering the compensation you may be due for the injuries you suffered or the financial losses you incurred, contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888.
Rome Rollover Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
How a Rome Rollover Accident Lawyer Can Help You After a Collision
Many accident victims often wonder whether it is necessary for them to hire a lawyer after engaging in a crash. While the decision is up to you, there are a few reasons victims choose to work with a lawyer when pursuing fair compensation.
If You Are Entitled to Compensation for Your Injuries and Losses
While you can certainly file an insurance claim and follow up with the adjuster assigned to handle it, they may not approve your claim. The adjuster may inform you that your claim is not covered or that you are only entitled to a small amount. Handling situations like these after having gone through a serious car accident may not be something you want to have to do. If you choose to retain an attorney, you will not have to worry about handling this or fighting with the insurance company, as your lawyer will do all of this for you.
If You Need To File a Personal Injury Lawsuit Against the Driver
In some cases, accident victims may need to file a personal injury lawsuit against the party who was responsible for causing the accident in an effort to recover the compensation they are due. If you choose to file a lawsuit on your own, the court will expect you to have a general understanding of the laws and how they apply to your case.
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Contact Bader Scott Injury Lawyers to Learn More About Your Legal Rights After a Rollover Accident
If you or a loved one suffered serious or catastrophic injuries as a result of a rollover accident, Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can help you determine if you are entitled to recover compensation for medical care and any other expenses you incurred as a result of the accident.
To receive a free case review and learn more about what a lawyer can do for you after a rollover accident, call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888.
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