If you suffered injuries while working in Stonecrest, you could be entitled to pursue a claim through the state system for workers’ compensation benefits. You might be entitled to monetary benefits even if you were responsible for the accident that resulted in your injury.
The workers’ compensation system is designed to work in this way. It provides workers with an avenue for medical benefits and wage replacement and helps prevent the courts from becoming clogged with workplace-related injury lawsuits.
Unfortunately, claims for benefits are routinely rejected. In many cases, these rejections could be unreasonable or unfair. A Stonecrest worker’s compensation lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers is prepared to serve as your advocate and protect your rights following a debilitating workplace injury.
To get started, call (404) 888-8888 for a free consultation with a team member today.
How Workers’ Compensation Works
Workers’ compensation is a form of “no-fault” insurance designed to benefit workers hurt on the job. The employers pay the premiums for this coverage. This system is referred to as “no-fault” because benefits could be available for workers—even if they were ultimately responsible for causing their own injuries. These benefits can replace lost income and provide for medical care for as long as a worker needs it.
There is an important trade-off to understand when it comes to workers’ compensation claims. While an employee has the right to file a claim in many cases where they could not pursue an injury lawsuit, they are barred from filing suit should they have a viable claim. Employers that provide coverage through workers’ compensation insurance are immune to lawsuits from hurt employees (in most cases).
Restricting the number of personal injury claims resulting from workplace accidents was part of the reason the system was created in the first place. While these benefits often kick in much sooner than compensation from a personal injury lawsuit would, they also significantly restrict the options available to injured workers.
In Georgia, pursuing a workers’ compensation claim is overseen by the State Board of Workers’ Compensation (SBWC). This government entity sets out the rules related to filing a claim and also determines whether compensation is warranted.
For a free legal consultation with a workers’ compensation lawyer serving Stonecrest, call (404) 888-8888
Stonecrest Workers’ Compensation FAQs
Can I Quit My Job While On Workers’ Comp in Atlanta?Can the IRS Take My Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Can I Collect Unemployment After a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Georgia?Does Surgery Increase a Workers’ Comp Settlement in Atlanta?How to Calculate a Workers’ Comp Settlement in GeorgiaWhat Work Injury Pays the Most in Atlanta?Available Benefits for Workers’ Compensation Claims
The benefits that can come with a worker’s compensation claim can be significant. However, they differ somewhat from the compensation that could be available through a personal injury lawsuit. The benefits available through workers’ compensation claims include:
Medical Benefits
Medical benefits are central to the worker’s compensation system. The process of obtaining medical care through worker’s compensation is simple. You need only to see the approved doctors, and the carrier will take care of the rest.
You will not be billed directly, and there are no deductibles for you to pay. Medical bills are covered up to a maximum of 400 weeks unless your injuries are deemed to be catastrophic.
Wage Benefits
In addition to medical benefits, workers’ compensation also covers your lost wages. However, a successful claim will not result in your ability to recoup the full amount of wages you missed out on. Instead, you could receive roughly two-thirds of your original wage each week.
You could be entitled to disability benefits based on your injury’s impact on your future ability to maintain employment. Permanent partial disability benefits could be available for the rest of your life, even if you are able to return to work in some limited capacity.
Unlike a personal injury lawsuit, your workers’ compensation claim could pay you mileage for the travel required for your medical care. Trips to and from the doctor could lead to direct cash payments.
Prescription Costs
Part of the medical compensation available through a worker’s compensation claim is prescription costs. Like with medical care, you are not responsible for a deductible or copay to receive this medication.
These benefits can make a tremendous difference in the life of an injured worker. If you have been hurt at work, do not put your claim at risk. Let a Stonecrest workers’ compensation lawyer review your case and assist you throughout the claims process.
Call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888 to discuss retaining a lawyer.
Stonecrest Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
How Long It Could Take to Recover Benefits
There is no firm deadline on when you will obtain benefits through a workers’ compensation claim. In some cases, it could take months for a claim to be resolved. However, there are some strict deadlines that apply to the process.
First and foremost, the insurance company responsible for your claim is only allowed 21 days to investigate your case. At the end of this window, the law requires insurance companies to respond to your claim. Most of the time, the insurer will accept the claim within this window and begin paying benefits after the first week you miss work.
Unfortunately, the insurer can and will deny some of these claims. When denials happen, the appeals process could take months or more.
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Selecting Your Doctor
In Georgia, you do not have the absolute right to select your doctor. However, you are given a choice of doctors from a list pre-approved by your employer. Employers are required to provide a list of at least six physicians that you are authorized to see. You can select one of these doctors when you begin your treatment.
You have the right to switch to another doctor on the list one time during the claims process. Your Stonecrest worker’s compensation lawyer can help you obtain the list of doctors you can see.
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Discuss Your Workplace Injury During a Free Consultation
For many people, a serious workplace injury can be unsettling. The uncertainty of your health is difficult on its own, but especially so if your future employment is also in doubt. The team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers understands the stress that can come with a serious injury. We have experience guiding injured employees through the worker’s compensation process.
To learn more about your options during this difficult time, dial (404) 888-8888 for your free consultation.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form