Every day, countless new consumer products are released into the public marketplace. Most of them will work as intended without causing harm. Unfortunately, some of these products are so poorly designed or inherently dangerous that they result in serious injuries.
If you have been injured by a dangerous or defective product, our team could help you pursue the compensation you deserve. A Macon personal injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers could help you identify the manufacturer responsible for the dangerous product that injured you. Reach out to our firm’s Macon product liability lawyer today to get started on your product liability claim.
What does “Product Liability” Mean?
If you are like most people, you likely never heard the term “product liability” prior to suffering an injury. Product liability is a term that describes a type of personal injury lawsuit involving defective products. When product manufacturers make their wares available to the public, they have an obligation to make sure they are safe. Not every company takes this obligation seriously.
In a product liability case, a plaintiff has the opportunity to seek compensation for their injuries caused by a dangerous product. There are a number of products that often result in this type of legal action. Some common examples include power tools, food, appliances, and vehicles. Defects generally fall into one of three categories:
Manufacturing Defects Can Occur Throughout the Supply Chain
Manufacturing errors are a common cause of product defects. Often, these mistakes occur in a factory setting. However, this type of defect also applies to circumstances that make a product unreasonably dangerous throughout the supply chain. This is the case up until the unsafe product leaves the shelves of a retailer.
Defective Designs Are Inherently Dangerous
Certain products are unreasonably dangerous because of specific design defects. When a design is defective, it impacts the entire product line. This differs from manufacturing defects, which could impact a small number of products. In other words, a poorly designed product can be manufactured to the highest standards and still be dangerous.
Marketing Defects Include a Lack of Warnings or Labels
Finally, there are marketing defects. Despite the name, this has little to do with advertising or other marketing efforts. Instead, this type of defect involves the lack of safety warnings on a product’s packaging. Alternatively, marketing defects can also involve lacking or missing instructions that make it impossible for the consumer to use the product safely.
For a free legal consultation with a product liability lawyer serving Macon, call (404) 888-8888
What Is a Product Liability Lawsuit Worth in Macon?
Anyone living with an injury due to a dangerous or defective product is likely wondering what their case for compensation might be worth. An attorney cannot promise a specific outcome or guarantee a minimum amount of recovery from these cases, but our firm can help you understand the types of damages that might be available to you. Some of those damages include the following:
You Could Recoup the Cost of Medical Care
One of the most overwhelming aspects of suffering a serious injury can be the cost of medical care. Even the emergency medical treatment that occurs immediately following your injury can have a tremendous impact on your finances. Expenses for ambulance travel and emergency room visits can be significant, but they are only a part of what an injury might cost you. Ongoing care like hospitalization, surgical procedures, and pain management could be even more costly. The good news is that a successful injury lawsuit could help you recoup all of those expenses from the manufacturer of a defective product.
You Might Be Entitled to Damages Based on Your Pain
Your physical pain and suffering could serve as the basis for part of your financial compensation. After all, this pain would not have occurred but for the injuries caused by a defective product.
These damages are different from other forms of compensation, like your medical expenses. Your pain is subjective, and there is no easy way to determine what your pain and suffering claim might be worth. Our attorneys could help you establish the extent of your physical suffering by showing how it has impacted your quality of life.
You Could Recover Your Lost Wages
Serious injuries often make it impossible to return to work. When these injuries result from a defective product, the manufacturer could be on the hook for your lost wages. For many people, missing out on a primary source of income can be more than they can financially bear. A product liability lawsuit could provide you with a monetary award based on your past and future lost wages.
Your Future Earning Power Could Be Diminished
In addition to lost wages, your future earning ability could also be impacted by your injuries.
Macon Product Liability Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Why Rely on Bader Scott Injury Lawyers for My Product Liability Case?
At Bader Scott Injury Lawyers, our team is always prepared to advocate on behalf of the injured. We know what it takes to maximize compensation following defective product injuries, and we are proud of our success with these cases. Some of the ways a Macon product liability lawyer could assist with your case include the following:
- Our record speaks for itself. While our previous settlements never guarantee success in your case, our case results prove that we have experience securing compensation for the injured.
- We are unafraid of trial. Some personal injury attorneys will do whatever it takes to settle a case, even if the offer is not in your best interest. We prepare every case as if a trial were a certainty. Often, this helps us get a stronger offer from the other side.
- We are committed to you. Our commitment is to the client. We will always put your needs first while working tirelessly towards the outcome you deserve.
- We understand premises liability. For most people, this type of personal injury case is especially confusing. Our attorneys have experience resolving these cases, and we are ready to answer any questions you might have.
- Negotiating is our strong suit. We have resolved countless injury cases with other lawyers, defendants, insurance companies, and manufacturers. This experience provides us with insight into whether or not any offers you receive are worth accepting.
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Contact a Macon Product Liability Attorney Today
If you were injured by a defective product, it is vital that you seek legal help right away. The idea of filing a lawsuit against a major manufacturer might seem daunting, but recovering fair compensation in these cases is possible.
You never have to face this challenge on your own. The team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers is ready to help you every step of the way. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Macon product liability lawyer.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form