When you are the victim in a car accident, you may have injuries that are easy to recognize, such as cuts or a broken leg. Other injuries that you could suffer in this type of accident may not be as easy to see and diagnose, such as injuries to internal organs and internal bleeding.
Internal injuries can be life-threatening in the aftermath of a crash. You may need immediate intervention from a doctor to catch the internal injuries and treat them. Unfortunately, even after the doctor performs the initial treatment, internal injuries can greatly affect your quality of life in the future.
A Savannah internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers may be able to pursue compensation for the medical bills and reduction in quality of life that you face after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.
At Bader Scott Injury Lawyers, our team takes pride in defending the rights of victims. Call us today at (404) 888-8888 for a review of your case with a member of our team. We may be able to represent you on a contingency-fee-basis with no up-front payments required.
Car Accidents Where Internal Injuries May Occur
Motor vehicle accidents that involve quite a bit of force or a victim being crushed under an object or between objects may cause internal injuries. This can include:
- Car accidents: where the force of the seat belt pressing against your body or of a piece of metal penetrating the passenger section of the car could cause internal bleeding or could pierce an internal organ.
- Truck accidents: where the massive weight of a truck could crush the passenger area of a sedan, leaving your internal organs damaged and causing internal bleeding.
- Motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accidents: where the lack of protective gear for the cyclist, motorcyclist, or pedestrian could lead to a crushing injury or internal bleeding after the initial impact or a hard fall when a car or truck strikes them.
If you were in any type of motor vehicle accident and believe that you may have internal injuries, see a doctor for an immediate evaluation.
For a free legal consultation with a internal body injury lawyer serving Savannah, call (404) 888-8888
Protecting Your Right to Seek Compensation
If you can show that the negligence of another party led to your internal injuries, you have the right to seek compensation for your medical bills and other damages. In personal injury cases, proving negligence does not mean you have to show that the other party acted in a purposeful manner to injure you. Instead, you just have to show that the other party did not do what was expected of them in a situation where they owed you a duty of care.
Frequently, violations or traffic rules can establish negligence in car accident cases such as:
- Speeding
- Failure to yield
- Running a stop sign or red light
- Illegal lane change
- And more
Understand that you must meet Georgia’s statute of limitations, or legal deadline, when filing a personal injury lawsuit. This deadline is generally two years from the date of the accident, according to O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33.
A Savannah internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can gather evidence of driver negligence and meet the applicable deadlines in your case when we represent you. For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call us (404) 888-8888 today.
Savannah Internal Body Injury Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Common Types of Internal Injuries
Multiple types of injuries to internal organs can be life-threatening. Should you have been in an accident where it is possible that you suffered an internal injury, you should seek immediate medical attention.
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Ruptured Spleen
According to the Mayo Clinic, an accident that causes a significant impact to the abdomen could result in a ruptured spleen. Any injury to this organ could cause internal bleeding that could threaten your life without rapid treatment.
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Collapsed Lungs
If you suffer a significant blow to the chest or a broken rib, you could suffer a collapsed lung, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Surgery may be required to treat this injury.
Liver Laceration
If you suffer an impact to the abdomen in the accident, the liver could become lacerated or crushed, which can be extremely dangerous. Immediate treatment should be sought for this type of injury.
Damages in a Car Accident Case
If you have suffered an internal injury after an accident, you may be facing a long recovery period that could include multiple surgeries and a long hospital stay. You may even need to spend time at a rehabilitation facility in an attempt to recover as fully as possible.
During this recovery time, you may not be able to work, leaving you and your family facing significant financial hardship.
The recoverable damages in a car accident case may account for these and other losses. Depending on the specifics of your injuries, you may be able to recover damages such as:
- Emergency care and treatment
- Current and future costs of all medical care
- Lost wages and reduced earning capability
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- And more
We Work on a Contingency-Fee-Basis
A Savannah internal body injury lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers may be able to work for you on a contingency-fee-basis. This means you do not owe us anything at the start of your case. Our attorney fees come from your settlement offer or court award, if and when you win your case.
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888.
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