When a driver chooses to behave aggressively, leaving behind damaged victims, that driver may be found negligent. Fortunately, your suffering, both physical and psychological, could entitle you to seek compensation through a personal injury claim or lawsuit.
If you suffered the consequences of another driver’s poor decisions, an Albany road rage accident lawyer can help you hold that driver responsible for their actions. You do not have to be the only person facing the consequences of road rage. Contact the office of Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today to learn more through a free case evaluation at (404) 888-8888.
The Many Forms of Road Aggression
The impetus for a road rage incident depends on the people and circumstances. What drove that driver to behave belligerently could have been anything from being late to work to a bad breakup that affected their emotions. Nonetheless, when a driver puts emotions ahead of safety, they could be held accountable.
Driving behaviors linked to aggression include:
- Speeding
- Tailgating
- Lane changes
- Illegal passing
- Failure to yield
- Running lights
- Illegal turns
- Ignoring traffic signs or signals
While any of the above incidents can occur on the road simply due to driver impatience or human error, what sets apart road rage accidents is the level of aggression displayed by the driver.
For a free legal consultation with a road rage accidents lawyer serving Albany, call (404) 888-8888
Being in a rush can fuel anger on the road, making speeding a common road rage behavior. Some specific actions could include:
- Accelerating out of a slow lane
- Driving too fast for road conditions
- Speeding at night
- Running lights
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that speeding is linked with aggressive driving. Moreover, driving at high speeds can increase both the chances of a driver losing control of their vehicle and the damage when a crash occurs. It may also potentially reduce the aid provided by safety features. Someone who is angry is also less likely to be thinking clearly, further reducing their judgment of road conditions.
Albany Road Rage Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Following Too Closely
Having a belligerent driver nipping at your heels is never a good feeling. The effect is compounded when that driver honks, flashes their lights, or suddenly swerves around you. All of these actions indicate road rage.
While the driver following too closely may assume they are giving others a nudge for not driving the way they see fit, they are actually creating a dangerous scenario. If the car being followed comes to a sudden stop, the tailgating driver may not have sufficient time and space to stop. If there is traffic and the collision has enough force, the tailgated car may also hit the vehicle in front of them, causing a multi-car collision.
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Lane Changes
Sudden and disruptive lane changes can be considered road rage as well. In fact, this can occur in conjunction with tailgating and speeding. While impatient drivers may decide to suddenly switch to a faster lane, an angry driver may use a lane change to deliberately intimidate.
For example, if a driver is going too slowly, an aggressive driver may not only change to a different lane but also pull up alongside the slow driver to harass them or cut in front of them. A more extreme example would be a driver who pulls in front of another vehicle and then slams on the brakes.
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More Than Just Physical Pain
If you experienced any of these scenarios, you may already have been unsettled at the confrontational nature of the other driver. Suffering physical injuries in addition to any anxiety from the accident may have left you feeling vulnerable. Fortunately, a personal injury claim can help cover more than just treatment for physical injuries. It may also include compensation for emotional and financial losses, such as for:
- Psychological counseling
- Emotional distress
- Changes to lifestyle
- Lost wages
- Diminished earning capacity
- Loss of consortium
With the help of an Albany road rage accident lawyer, you do not have to face the consequences of another’s aggression alone. Your attorney can act as the go-between, so you do not have to directly interact with that individual again.
Aggressive Driving in Georgia
Aggressive driving or road rage can be characterized by deliberate harassing behaviors. The responsible party may knowingly cause harm by:
- Bumping into cars on purpose
- Following a car
- Verbally harassing other drivers
- Employing rude gestures
- Exiting their vehicle to intimidate
In Georgia, a driver charged with these behaviors or other forms of aggressive driving could find themselves with a misdemeanor on their record, according to O.C.G.A. § 40-6-397. The law is open to some interpretation, with aggressive driving defined as using a vehicle to:
- Annoy
- Harass
- Molest
- Intimidate
- Injure
- Obstruct
If this sounds like what happened to you, contact the office of Bader Scott Injury Lawyers to get started on your road rage personal injury claim at (404) 888-8888.
File Your Claim Promptly
Regardless of how the criminal charges play out, you can file a claim and provide evidence that the responsible driver displayed road rage, leading to your accident. Even if the driver is not found guilty of the misdemeanor, they could still be required to pay you compensation.
Georgia’s statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is generally two years, according to O.C.G.A. §9-3-33. However, certain circumstances can result in a shortened timeframe. Consult a road rage injury attorney to learn the specifics of your filing window.
We Hold Drivers Accountable for Anger and Aggression
Road rage accidents leave victims not only injured but shaken. On top of your injuries, medical bills, and other costs, you may hesitate to begin the process of filing a claim. However, a lawyer can take care of the legal details for you.
At Bader Scott Injury Lawyers, your Albany road rage accident lawyer can act as your representative, negotiating with the other party and standing up for you in court. Contact our office today to set up your free case review at (404) 888-8888.
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