A Smyrna big rig accident attorney could help you sort out the insurance coverage disputes and legal procedures of your injury claim following a collision. Also, we could help your family pursue additional compensation if you lost a loved one in a large truck crash.
You do not have to go through the daunting prospect of battling a billion-dollar insurance corporation on your own. We can fight your battles for you, giving you the time to rest and recuperate from your injuries. Additionally, our personal injury attorneys can take legal action on your behalf if necessary when pursuing fair compensation.
Issues That Can Affect the Amount of Your Smyrna Big Rig Accident Settlement
A person’s life might never be the same after a big rig crash that caused catastrophic injuries. These heavy vehicles tend to cause more debilitating injuries and fatalities than collisions between passenger cars. You might be surprised at some of the factors that could increase or decrease the amount of settlement you could receive for your injury claim.
- Often, a collision is the result of two or more people making a mistake. If you were partly at fault for the crash, you might still be able to go after some money damages from the party whose fault was greater than yours. A truck accident attorney at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers could evaluate your accident and explain how much compensation you could seek in your situation.
- The insurance status of the at-fault party can impact your ability to collect money damages from them. If you have substantial losses and the at-fault driver is uninsured or only carries the minimum required liability insurance, you might have to pursue other options to recover your losses. If you have uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage on your automobile policy, that might pay some of your losses. Also, we could go after the defendant’s personal assets.
- Your lost income from the time that you could not work because of your wounds will be a factor in the amount of your settlement. When people cannot be on the job because of their injuries, and they do not get paid the full amount of their regular salary or wages, they have a financial loss that could be part of their injury claim.
- The cost of your medical treatment is a significant factor in the amount of your injury claim. The higher your medical bills, the higher your injury claim will be. Filing a claim against the insurance policy of the party who caused your injuries through negligence is how you can hold the person accountable for the harm they caused.
- Tractor-trailer crashes can cause catastrophic injuries that leave people with permanent impairment after they complete their medical treatment and achieve maximum recuperation. If you still struggle with chronic pain, weakness, loss of function, or another type of impairment, this loss could be a part of your claim for damages.
- You might have a decreased earning capacity if you have ongoing problems after you complete the medical interventions your doctor prescribes. If you cannot make as much money after the accident as you did before the collision, you have a financial loss. Physical limitations, cognitive impairment, and other chronic conditions can limit your earning potential.
There is no standard settlement amount for big rig crashes in the Smyrna, Georgia, area. Every case is different.
For a free legal consultation with a big rig accidents lawyer serving Smyrna, call (404) 888-8888
There Is a Filing Deadline in Georgia for Tractor-Trailer Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases
Please do not wait too long to talk to a lawyer about taking legal action to recover your losses from the party who caused the large truck collision that injured you or took the life of your close relative. Georgia limits the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit in these situations.
After the deadline expires, you cannot sue the at-fault party. Also, their insurance company will not pay you a settlement for your losses because they no longer have liability at that point.
The statutes of limitations that apply to these cases are:
- Two years, under O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33, for filing a personal injury lawsuit.
- O.C.G.A. § 9-3-33 also limits you to two years for filing a wrongful death case.
Even if the claims adjuster had been negotiating with you and you thought you would settle your claim, the adjuster will stop talking to you when the statute of limitations expires. A big rig accident lawyer in Smyrna could help you avoid problems like this.
Smyrna Big Rig Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Pitfalls to Avoid in 18-Wheeler Cases in Smyrna
Many things could go wrong in your truck accident case, in addition to missing the statute of limitations. These honest mistakes could cost you your entire injury claim or reduce the amount of compensation you can collect.
- Giving a recorded statement. Insurance companies often ask injured people to give a recorded statement under the guise of giving the person an opportunity to tell their side of the story. In reality, recorded statements can hurt your claim. The claims adjuster may take your words out of context and assign you more fault for the accident than you deserve, for example.
- Settling your claim too early. Until you complete your medical treatment, you do not know if you will have lasting problems from your injuries. You should get additional compensation if you have impairment from your wounds. You will miss out on the money damages you deserve if you settle your case before you know whether you have lingering issues.
- Posting on social media. We advise our personal injury and wrongful death clients to take a complete break from social media when they have a claim pending. The defendant’s insurer will likely access your social media accounts and look for reasons to deny your claim or reduce the amount of compensation you receive.
These are only a few examples of the many issues that could hurt your injury or wrongful death claim.
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Let Our Smyrna Big Rig Accident Team Get to Work for You
A Smyrna big rig accident attorney with Bader Scott Injury Lawyers could protect your rights and help you go after the compensation you deserve from the party whose negligence caused the collision. We offer a free initial consultation with no obligation. Also, we are proud of our no-fee guarantee, which says that you do not owe us any money for legal fees until you win.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form