There were over 4.6 million trucks registered in the state of Georgia in 2017, according to statistics published by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Commercial trucks such as big rigs, semi tractor-trailers, dump trucks, and other heavy vehicles can weigh 20 to 30 times more than a passenger vehicle, and some can weigh over 33,000 pounds according to the Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC). Trucks are big and heavy, and therefore can be difficult to stop. They must be regularly maintained and driven with care.
Truck-related accidents are common, and issues such as driver negligence, damaged roads, or poor vehicle maintenance can lead to incidents. If you were involved in a truck accident in Roswell, Georgia, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. A Roswell truck accident lawyer can assist you with your case. Consider contacting the team from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888 to learn more through a free consultation.
Types of Truck Accidents
An Atlanta truck accident lawyer will represent a wide variety of claims for different types of accidents since these incidents are, unfortunately, far too common. Some types of truck-related accidents include:
- Rollover accidents: these occur when a truck tips over while turning too quickly or after striking an object.
- Jackknifing: this means the truck is bent back into a V-shape as a result of the front wheels skidding or losing traction.
- Underride accidents: in which one vehicle strikes a truck and becomes stuck underneath it.
- Mechanical issues: including brake failures, tire blowouts, or cargo coming loose while the truck is on the road.
- Side impact accidents: in which one vehicle strikes the side of a truck that seems to be going straight when it is actually taking a wide turn. Trucks require extra clearance for turns and lane changes, so side impact accidents involving trucks are not uncommon.
For a free legal consultation with a truck accidents lawyer serving Roswell, call (404) 888-8888
Roswell Truck Accidents FAQs
How Do Construction Site Conditions Contribute to Truck Accidents?How Are Construction Truck Accident Cases Handled Differently from Other Truck Accidents?What Are the Specific Regulations for Construction Trucks in Georgia?How Can I Prove a Construction Truck Was Overloaded at the Time of the Accident?What Should I Do if the Construction Truck Company Denies Responsibility?What Role Does Maintenance History Play in Construction Truck Accident Claims?Possible Causes
Truck accidents can happen anywhere, but they are more common on major roads other than interstates and freeways. About 52 percent of all truck accidents that resulted in deaths in 2018 occurred on such roads, according to statistics published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Interstate and freeway accidents accounted for about 33 percent of the fatal accidents that year.
There are factors beyond location that may contribute to an accident, including:
Driver Negligence
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) outlines safe practices for truck drivers, such as 11-hour driving limits, but drivers may be tempted to exceed these limits to meet tight deadlines or earn bonuses. According to a 2013 article from Reuters, stimulant and drug abuse amongst commercial truckers is common for this reason. Drowsy driving, driving while overworked, and using drugs or stimulants while driving are classified as negligent driving. The same applies to speeding, driving recklessly, and driving while distracted.
Road or Vehicle Issues
Poor vehicle maintenance may lead to tire blowouts or brake failures. Malfunctioning brake lights could cause a rear-end or underride accident. Damaged roads and potholes, uneven or slick surfaces, road debris, dangerous curves, dangerous inclines or declines, and poor signage can also all contribute to a truck accident.
Other Concerns
Errors made by other road users, poor driver training, driver inexperience, improperly secured loads, narrow lanes, or a lack of road safety features such as reflectors and lane separators can all increase the likelihood of an accident occurring.
Roswell Truck Accident Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Injuries and Treatments
Truck accidents can lead to many types of injuries, from minor scratches and bruises to total physical paralysis or death. Road traffic crashes are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Broken bones, fractures, nerve damage, soft tissue damage, and organ damage may also occur in vehicle accidents.
After an accident, you may require short- or long-term medical care and treatment, including therapy and rehabilitation. Other treatments you may require could include:
- Surgery
- Diagnostic tests
- Stitches, casts, or the use of a splint
- Assistive devices such as crutches or a wheelchair
- The regular use of painkillers or other medications
- Physical therapy to overcome nerve or muscle damage
These treatments can be expensive and may be required for long periods of time. Some specialized treatments, such as spinal cord rehabilitative procedures, may also be unavailable where you live. A Roswell truck accident lawyer can help you determine which treatment types are covered by your insurance policy, and which ones you may be able to sue the at-fault party for. Call the team from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers at (404) 888-8888 for a free consultation.
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Car Versus Truck Accidents
There are key differences between accidents caused by or involving passenger cars, and those caused by or involving trucks. These include:
- Truck accidents are more likely to be catastrophic and involve multiple vehicles.
- Trucks are generally more insured than passenger vehicles.
- Truck occupants have better insulation and protection than the occupants of other vehicles.
- Truckers require more thorough training, screening, and background checks than car drivers.
- Truck accident cases typically involve multiple at-fault parties, including the truck driver, a service or maintenance crew, cargo loaders, the truck owner, or the operator of a fleet of trucks.
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Proving Fault
Fault and liability in a truck accident can be proven by:
- Demonstrating that the at-fault party owed you a duty of care, meaning a basic standard of safe driving as defined by the law and driving norms.
- Showing that the standard of care was breached in some way.
- Showing that the breach in this standard of care was a direct cause of your accident.
- Showing that your accident led to losses or damages that you would not have suffered if the at-fault party did not breach his or her duty of care.
Contact Our Team for a Free Consultation
The team from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can be reached at (404) 888-8888. Based on the strength of your case, a Roswell truck accident lawyer can help you gather evidence, file a claim, and negotiate with the at-fault party’s insurance provider on your behalf. Call us for a free case evaluation. Our team works on a contingency-fee basis.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form