If you were injured in a rear-end collision in Roswell, Georgia, you may be able to file an insurance claim and get compensated for the losses and injuries you endured. The rear driver in these cases is almost always at fault, but a Roswell rear-end collisions lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can help you build a case against them and document the value of your damages. If needed, we can help you take the case to trial.
Let a member of the Bader Scott Injury Lawyers team review your case at no cost today. If we believe your case supports recovering a payout, we will represent you throughout the process, from gathering evidence and evaluating your damages to filing your claim or lawsuit.
Call (678)-562-5595 now to speak with a member of our Fulton County car accident team.
Causes of Rear-End Collisions and Determining Fault
The rear driver in a car accident is almost always at fault, although there could be exceptions in rare cases. In general, these accidents occur because of careless or reckless mistakes on the part of the rear driver. This includes:
- Inadequate following distance
- Distracted driving
- Intoxicated driving
- Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
- Losing control of the vehicle, such as sliding in rain or ice
Most rear-end accidents occur at a relatively low speed, but cases involving distracted or intoxicated driving can happen at any speed due to slower reaction times. Serious injuries may occur in accidents at higher speeds, including neck injuries, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries. Some of these injuries may be fatal.
If you suffered damages in a rear-end car accident, you may be able to secure a payout for your medical treatment and other losses in one of several ways:
- File a liability auto insurance claim based on the at-fault driver’s policy
- File a personal injury civil suit against the at-fault driver
- File a wrongful death case if you lost a parent, spouse, child, or another family member in an accident, under O.C.G.A § 51-4-2
To learn more about your options and get help seeking a payout in your case, reach out to Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today for your free case review. You can speak to a representative of our team now by calling (678)-562-5595.
For a free legal consultation with a rear-end collisions lawyer serving Roswell, call (404) 888-8888
Bader Scott Injury Lawyers May Be Able to Build a Case for You
If we believe you have a case against the driver who hit you in a rear-end accident, a Roswell rear-end collisions lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers can go to work investigating your collision. The evidence we will use to support your claim or suit may include:
- The police report about your accident
- A survey of the accident scene
- Eyewitnesses statements
- Any available video of the accident
- Testimony from accident reconstruction specialists
- Medical expert testimony
- Your related medical records
- Documentation of your expenses and other damages
Once we have a case to prove fault, liability, and your losses, we can file a claim with the other driver’s insurance provider. Once we make an initial claim, we can begin talks with the insurance carrier, and this may lead to a negotiated settlement. If they refuse to pay out a settlement based on the evidence we present, our trial lawyers will take your case to court.
Roswell Rear-End Collisions Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Recoverable Damages in a Roswell Rear-End Collision
Bader Scott Injury Lawyers will not settle for an insurance agreement that does not justly compensate you for the damages you sustained in your Roswell rear-end collision. We will instead seek compensation that includes money for your losses, including economic and non-economic losses. The compensation we recover may include current and future damages such as:
- Medical care costs and treatment-related expenses
- Lost income and future reduced earning ability
- Property damages including repairs to your car
- Additional expenses documented by receipts and other paperwork
- Wrongful death damages, if applicable
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Statute of Limitations on Filing a Fulton County Civil Case
O.C.G.A § 9-3-33 sets a deadline for filing a claim in a Fulton County civil court. This would be the most likely jurisdiction if your accident occurred in Roswell, although we can pursue cases in nearby counties as well, if necessary. All personal injury cases in Georgia must be filed before the second anniversary of the accident, with few exceptions.
Even if we try to reach an out-of-court settlement, we need to negotiate before this deadline arrives. We encourage you to call us as early in the process as possible so that we can get to work on your case quickly. Not only does this help to protect your right to take legal action, but it may also allow us to gather evidence that will not be available later.
Click to contact our Roswell Car Accident Lawyers today
Talk to a Member of Our Roswell Rear-End Accident Team
If you suffered injuries in a rear-end accident in the greater Atlanta area, a Roswell rear-end collisions lawyer from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers may be able to seek a payout for you through an insurance claim. If needed, we can also represent you in court to fight for the verdict and payout you deserve.
You can speak with a member of the Bader Scott Injury Lawyers team today by calling
(678)-562-5595. Once you schedule your free consultation, we will review your case and offer advice on your next steps.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form