Broken bones, also known as fractures, can be injuries that you suffer from a car accident. These injuries can be very painful, and the financial cost of your medical treatment and recovery may come at a great personal cost to you.
The person or people who are responsible for your car accident in Smyrna may ultimately be responsible for paying to help cover the costs of your medical care and other losses.
A Smyrna broken bones and fractures lawyer will make the case that you deserve compensation from one or more people. Call a representative from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888 to complete a free review of your case.
Drivers in Smyrna Can Be Reckless
Your broken bones and fractures may stem from a driver’s reckless or careless behaviors. Motor vehicles can weigh thousands or tens of thousands of pounds, and drivers must keep this in mind when they are driving throughout Smyrna.
Some drivers do not exercise the caution that they should, and in these cases, accidents can occur. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that it is driver error, rather than other factors like vehicle failure or environmental factors, that usually cause accidents to happen.
One or more of the following factors may have contributed to your accident:
- A driver being intoxicated, either by alcohol, drugs, or both
- A driver engaging in aggressive behavior like tailgating or speeding
- A driver failing to heed traffic signals and signs
- A driver changing lanes or making a turn without checking their blind spots
Drivers in Smyrna may also become distracted, which can be the direct cause of an accident. The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) explains that distracted driving is illegal in Georgia, but it happens anyway.
A driver may be distracted if they take their attention away from the act of driving. Some of the ways that a driver may become distracted include:
- Speaking on the phone
- Sending or reading text messages
- Eating food
- Drinking a beverage
- Adjusting a vehicle’s radio
- Engaging in distracting conversation
If a driver’s behavior contributed to your accident, then your lawyer will determine what those behaviors are and how they led to your crash. While a driver may be responsible for your accident, they may not be the only individual or institution who has responsibility for your losses. A lawyer can tell you more about who may be liable for your losses.
Employers and Other Parties Who May Be Liable for an Accident
A driver may be solely responsible for an accident. In some cases, though, a driver may be one of numerous parties liable for a collision or may not be liable at all. Your lawyer will gather as many facts as they can from your accident to determine if any parties other than a driver could be responsible for your broken bones and fractures.
For example, the manufacturer of a defective airbag or seatbelt could be liable if their product’s defect may have caused you to suffer injuries.
The following could be responsible for your losses:
- A government entity responsible for dangerous road conditions
- An employer whose employee caused your accident
- A vehicle manufacturer responsible for a crash-causing defect
Determining liability for an injury-causing accident could be difficult for someone who has not dealt with such matters before. A Smyrna broken bones and fractures lawyer will figure out who may owe you compensation based on the facts of your accident.
Call a team member from Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888 to complete your free consultation.
For a free legal consultation with a broken bones and fractures lawyer serving Smyrna, call (404) 888-8888
Broken Bones May Cause Several Problems for You
The Mayo Clinic lists the many different types of broken bones. Every fracture is different, though some are more severe than others. In any case, a fracture may cause significant pain and may require various forms of treatment.
As your broken bone or bones heal, you may need to:
- Remain largely or completely immobilized
- Rest
- Take medications that could address inflammation
- Have surgery
These treatments, as well as rehabilitation for your broken bones, could interrupt your life. You may not be able to work while your bones heal, and possibly longer. While you are recovering, you may experience unwanted problems that stem directly from your injuries.
Some of the potential consequences of your injuries include:
- Mental health problems, which could be attributed to your immobilization, loss of independence, or other injury-related circumstances
- Loss of income
- Harm to your relationships, as your emotional state may be harmed because of your injuries
These are just a few of the possible consequences you might suffer because of your car accident. A lawyer will meet with you or your injured loved one to find out all of the losses you have suffered because of your accident.
As part of any lawsuit or insurance claim that you file because of your accident, your lawyer will make a record of your losses. They will calculate the financial cost that all of your losses have had. They may also project the value of the losses that you could experience in the future as the result of your accident.
A lawyer will do what is necessary to complete your claim or lawsuit. They will protect you and your rights and will be your legal advisor while you worry about recovering from your broken bones.
If you need to file a lawsuit for your case, you have up to two years to do so, according to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (OCGA) §9-3-33. For this reason, we recommend getting started on your case as soon as possible.
Smyrna Broken Bones and Fractures Lawyer Near Me (404) 888-8888
Call a Lawyer’s Team to Complete Your Free Consultation
The team at Bader Scott Injury Lawyers may represent you if you have suffered broken bones or other injuries because of a car accident in Smyrna. You can find out all of the ways that a Smyrna broken bones and fractures lawyer may help you by completing a free consultation.
Call Bader Scott Injury Lawyers today at (404) 888-8888 for additional details about a lawyer’s services.A member of our team will review your case, explain to you your legal rights, and outline the legal options available for you to seek compensation for your injuries. Call today.
Call or text (404) 888-8888 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form